Monday, October 28, 2019

A New Face

I’m tired and sore, but felt this needed a bit of documentation.

I have changed something in my back/neck such that it released something in my head that has altered my face.

I don’t really know exactly how to describe it.  Muscle moved lower compared to where my cheekbones are, maybe?  When I looked in the mirror after my swim on Saturday, I was different.  When I smile, everything stays lower.  There are new creases.  It is not the face I know, lol.

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While I am pleased with the progress, I’m battling depression often.  I can’t shake, with every incremental success, how old I am and how much my perverted body must have influenced how my life was lived.  I wonder if I will ever not be tense and in pain, and if I do succeed, how long will it last.

I’m just very tired, and not handling the change to cold weather very well.

I’ll endure.  I’m too stubborn not to.  Gotta find out what happens, right?

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