Sunday, August 11, 2019

I Am The Center Of The Universe; Another Meditation Technique

Things have been difficult of late, many changes but significant instability, which leads to pain.

Anyways, I had an interesting day on this, the last day of the Summer pool schedule.  So disappointed to lose my long weekday swims, now only 3 days a week, 2 hours each day, again.  sigh

And, of course, the first off days, the coming Tues and Thu, are going to be over 100 degrees outside.  No pool.  Figures, huh?

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I so often think in terms relative to an axis, or two, and recently graduated to 3, lol.  It’s very difficult to picture the oscillations of swim strokes along 3 axis, where you try to adjust and alter position.  Focus is lost quickly.

Regardless, I have always had a mental picture, something like a map or grid.  I am on the map, moving along in the pool, trying to oscillate along an axis, mindful of the other two and how they are part of the movements.

Instead of the pool being a map which I move about within, I tried making my center (or as best as I can find it, somewhere in my upper core, I imagine) be the intersections of the axis.  I then move relative to this center.  That aspect is not new, however.

The “new” aspect is that I remain at the center of the intersection of each axis and the world moves relative to me.

Obviously, this shouldn’t change anything, but OMG it changed a ton.  So much movement.

I believe the mental change of not trying to move forward, not reaching, allowed me to subtract a set of forces from my perception. It cut some of the distractions, I suppose.

I don’t really know how to describe it any other way, at least not yet, and it’s only been one swim session, but as usual, I am psyched to get back in tomorrow and do some more.

Of course, I only get 2 hours and then will have to wait until Wed to get back in, but still . . .