It is supposed to reach 115 here today. I’m having concerns. Still not feeling well at all from yesterday, getting to hot while not doing well to begin with.
I only swam for 40 minutes or so. I could feel it getting really hot, really quick, and thought I should ride home before it takes too much effort.
It was barely 8:30am and you could really feel the heat off the sun. The ride home was, noticeably wrong. The air was wrong. It was kinda ominous.
All of the plants were slightly wilting, as if none of them had gotten enough sleep and the sun was waking them up too soon and all were reluctant to face the day.
The Canadian Geese that usually hoard a soccer field were all up the side of the hill, nearer the path than I had ever seen them. They seemed off, as if confused why their spot did not feel like their spot.
Was I noticing real differences because of this insane, outside the norm, heat? Or am I carrying ominous feelings and projecting?
If we get a power outage … it’s gonna be bad. I’m not sure I make it through today if the house is just like yesterday, and it’s likely to be a few degrees hotter. The garage is already an oven, making my bedroom already warmer close to the garage side wall. It’s crazy.
I’m not exactly scared. I am lonely, though.
It certainly would be my world ending in a whimper.
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