It’s been a very difficult winter.
Last Tuesday, I had a most unfortunate trip to the DMV where nearly everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Their computers went down, voiding appointments, making the start of the experience waiting in line outside the building in the rain. It could have gone much worse, but the hour+ I spent in line has left me a complete mess since.
My hips have been a nightmare.
Until 45 minutes ago.
I stood up to go to the kitchen, and found I could not put any pressure on my right ankle. It feels like a horrible sprain. It sometimes gets similar to this pain, but a quick crack of the ankle looping the toes usually takes care of it. I find myself unable to crack it at all, which, if you think about it, is probably some kind of improvement.
Yet, the pain of pushing off at all is nearly unbearable.
Then, I noticed I no longer had the hip pains that plagued me all week.
Did I send the “excess” bunched up in the hip down the leg to the ankle? Without realizing it?
Possibly, I think. It would not surprise me. I have been stretching and contorting around the hip so much it is becoming unconscious, save efforts to alter the direction of movements.
Sigh. What’s next? Guess I need to figure out how to walk again.