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I had the best birthday I can remember.
I know I've had better, but they would have been long, long ago, way before the changes started.
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So, today, I -
Woke up to learn George R. R. Martin released a new sample chapter from The Winds of Winter. This was great. So much new information to digest and theories to make or adjust. I spent 1/4 of the day reading it, then going to older books, then re-reading. Good stuff.
Wrote a song, Nymspeak, based on a friend that also loves the ASoIaF books. That was 1/2 the day.
Got an UltiMeat Pizza from Round Table, and was able to swallow!
Got Phishfood.
Made great progress on the adjustment front.
Watched the Warriors pull a victory out of their arses against the Suns.
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It may hurt tomorrow, but I have not had a day this good, period, in ages. There have been priceless moments with the kid, and those will be what my minds eye sees when I lay dying, but for a single day with so much going right and only a reasonable amount of pain, I probably have not had a day this good since I lived in Santa Cruz (the beach can do that).
Wow. To get such a day on my birthday just plain rocks.
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Positivity here? Who knew?